重置后没有密码。方法一、直接按背后的小孔 5秒,不会影响数据。方法二、telenet(根据微码版本不同,只能选择其中一条命令进行密码重置)
ping通后用telnet命令登入尝试putty(Seeattached file: putty.zip)进行telnet,输入连接管理口的ip地址,连接类型选择:telnet,然后打开账号 shellUsr密码 wy3oo&w4(注意大小写)We have below 3 commands to reset SMpasswd (Please execute in CNTL-A command line)1. clearSYMbolPasswordTest OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can berun concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL2. symbolPwdResetTest OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can berun concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL-> symbolPwdResetAre you sure that you want to reset theStorage Array Password ? (Y/N): y Storage Array Password resetsuccessfulvalue = 42 = 0x2a = '*'3.spriMenuPwdResetNOT work in FW 06.60 and 07.60, Test OKby PFE steven in FW 07.70, can be run concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL> spriMenuPwdResetAre you sure that you want to reset theStorage Array Password ? (Y/N): yStorage Array Password reset successfulvalue = 42 = 0x2a = '*'Note: Beginning from FW 7.70, SMGUI password MUST be set, otherwise you can not open the subsystem managementwindow. You can not ignore the password warning message when you open the SM aspervious FW level.